Pretty great

There is no doubt from watching the various protests which have taken place over the last year that there are Americans who hate their country. As the TV news reports showed businesses being looted, buildings being burned, police cars being set on fire, police being attacked with rocks and gun fire coming from those rioting in the streets we heard their chants calling for dead cops, heard their foul language, saw their obscene gestures and read their signs which condemned America as a terrible nation. The rioters spit on the flag, burned the flag, stomped on the flag and one bright light even demonstrated how to use the American flag as toilet paper.
It’s funny though that as we watch these anti-American demonstrations and riots we never see any of the America haters pull out a pair of scissors and cut up their EBT (electronic benefit transfer) card. I guess we can all agree that free groceries are pretty great.

Can’t have that

“Sorry about the interruption. I can’t believe the horror of the terrorist attacks in Paris and how many people were killed and injured. People were massacred in Paris with bombs and guns with the attackers shooting into the crowd at a concert hall and patrons shot as they sat at their tables in a Paris restaurant. Now France has closed its borders and the French president says that they will be ruthless in destroying those responsible for the terrorist attacks and you have to wonder, who is next?”
So, anyway. You were saying that you need a safe space on campus because you believe there is a chance that you may receive a slight or a snub which might make you feel uncomfortable? Is that about it? Does that about cover the concerns in your life? Can’t have that. Let’s just see what we can do.”